Driven by rather hard days probably(hopefully) , its just so cool to be able to stare at a spotless blog sopt! I feel better than having to look at a rotating fan in all and sundry hot days!
I actually got here to start expressing but man am I that dumb? I actually tried hard and could not really think of what in my life was so shareable!! I lead a rather unhappening , relentless trying hard to get through the day kind of existence.I also get worried by small things in life .Today what was particularly bothering me was the fact that .. - I am probably an out cast in this community of expressing and sharing sort of kindred - The Bloggers!! Saltue' to each of those who can actually lead a life where there is something to write about and more importantly the ability to rewrite what u just lived /felt or just invent something to share ...Cos most of the times , i dont like remembering how my project gave me a hard time or how i hated my client for having taken my long weekend from me...and the truth is that I am not all that creative...
Man I feel better having told all of you that if ever there were an award to spot the spotless blog spot..U know where to look!!