Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Of longing and life!

Longing they say rouses desire
Owning the art of possession.
Dreaming creates realities you long for.
Knowing always leads to doubt!

It is not enough to long or own
Dream or know!
It is "dealing with" that after all defines
One life from another.

I guess I ramble on with each day. Something that struck my mind today is a quote I read:

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
-- Benjamin Franklin


tey said...

It is "dealing with" that after all defines
One life from another.

True, true. The universe is mental (pun intended)

Chatter Box said...

@Tey: Nice one!:-) Your comments are always encouraging. Its time you compose poetry- It might be rather logical but heck we need logic too!:-d

RT said...

Nice! Though while we dream, own, long etc, aren't we, in one way or other, dealing with something?

Mystic said...

And what is it you long for...? And in many ways, that also is so transcient, no?

Chatter Box said...

@Mystic: Longing is discussion for some other day. Maybe when you come down. Thanks for visiting by