It was just
another day. They all woke up to get on with the mundane. He did not stop to
notice how beautiful the locks of her hair looked when sunshine cast a spell.
She started to straighten things back into years of togetherness shared in a
home. Time ticked on, they shared their lives – a bed, a home, their meals
sometimes. Years of their marriage were cast as trophies around the house in
the form of collectibles. It was hard to
imagine where all of it began. The background music of a distant bark or cheer
on the television broke the balance intermittently. There she was getting on dutifully
– cooking, cleaning and being a good wife. He was aware of her existence and
she was too. The door bell rang – cutting through the silence and there was a stranger
who knocked at the wrong house. Their eyes met, they shared a glance. There she
was struggling to carry a heavy piece of baggage while cleaning the room. The
stranger walked up, held it for her while she continued to clean. They looked
again, smiled and the stranger left. He continued to read the paper while she
looked at the mirror, fixed her hair and smiled. The stranger left holding onto
a fragrance and carrying the picture of a beautiful face which was etched forever
in the heart.
Life goes
on and we all find our balances, its just a question of which balance do we settle for- Two empty scales or two full ones or perhaps something in between.
Beautiful, I say... lurved it... so much like my genre - the unsaid one's, as you always describe ;)
Meetu - loved this. Says so much in one small para.
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