For a long long time could not figure out what the tagging meant and why do people get tagged. But since i am part of this circle of tagged people and being this keen on remaining part of the group and playing along go my
55 words...
I stared into her, I delved in deep
Tried to comprehend if there was something more.
I held her close, gazed at the starlit nite
Musing at all that she had revealed .
I slept all night with her besides me..
I only woke up to find ruffled pages..
My book staring back into my eyes!
Considering my connexicons in the blog world are rather less..I am wondering whom to tag..probably i tag somu and smiloo..So people out with your 55 words!
And who was she, hmm?
[rt] and she was ...Ayn rand maybe?:)
Ayn Rand! Bah!
Atlas is really unhappy and look, he shrugged!
Vanakkam and all of that. There is this interesting tag doing the rounds, and you are the chosen one!
Pretty late in the day, but this is a good one. So who was she anyway, your vision of yourself?
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