I am stuck today at that exact point, where I know the last few weeks/months have been varied experiences and yet time is ticking by and I don't know where I should begin.
Recent Highlights and days to come!
- Germany - 5 cities (3days Tour)
- Stockholm - a 10 hour airport/flight experience
- Feel like a Londoner now - Got myself a Cineworld pass and watched some crappy movies just to make it worth it.
- Waiting for parents to arrive!
- Discovered some amazing music
- Watched all of 'Big Bang Theory'
- Catching up with 'How I met my mother'
- Missing home!:-(
- Missing A, S, T!
- Looking forward to life in Manchester for a bit
- Feel like I have lost control again and this time I am not even pondering about it.
- Started to cook a whole lot!
- Reading a lot of 'Quantum Physics' again.
- Back to twitter again!
Listening to
'All that you touch
and all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel.
and all that you love
and all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save.
and all that you give
and all that you deal
and all that you buy,
beg, borrow or steal.
and all you create
and all you destroy
and all that you do
and all that you say.
and all that you eat
And everyone you meet
and all that you slight
And everyone you fight.
and all that is now
and all that is gone
and all that's to come
and everything under the sun is in tune
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon. '
So true, life is after all the dark side of the moon!
My recent highlights and days to come!
- Stuck in ONE city for the foreseeable future
- Only airport experience – listen to lot of aircraft noises as they take off and land (courtesy my office which is right next)
- Still do not feel like a Mid-westerner – can’t enjoy the meat or the crazy morning work timings and do not see enjoying the upcoming harsh winters either!
- No one is arriving, so no ‘wait’ for anyone! Including the so-called Londoner!
- Discovered some amazing music
- Watched most of 'Naruto'
- Catching up with 'The Suits'
- Missing home! And how!!! :-(
- Looking forward to Jan, life in Bangalore, even if it’s for a bit
- Feel like I have lost control again and this time it’s me giving away control
- Started to cook; but not a whole lot!
- Reading a lot of 'Manga' ;)
- Back to blogging again!
Hmmm..... the 'T' better be me! And yeah, miss you too, meee… :P
What is in Jan, T? :)
And missing home, hmmmm!! :)
@ RT - I'm coming home (namma Bengalooru) in Jan... soooooo looking forward to it :)
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