Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Capture my mind, Can I?

Some random thoughts running right now.
  • Just because so many paths exist, do we have to find em?
  • Is stillness really this boring?
  • Is history really about the past or just discovering something old and finding your own story in it?
  • Is a memory more real or the moment? I believe I have memories of moments that never existed.
  • Music and silence are both so beautiful. I wonder when I shall find my peace with noise?
  • I believe I talk more now, however to myself and I have learnt to be content with it.
  • I believe a movie is as good as the audience. I seem to delve in to each scene not looking at the story but at the piece of work for that moment and if that strikes me, I think the shot was worth it.
  • Is home a collection of rooms or a collection of my routine?
  • Will I be able to break away my monotony of thoughts and transcend them into blogs!?


Whimsical Queen said...

After working soooooo longggggg with 'H', you still think you need to make peace with noise!?

And I have always believed that history is something we look back at and learn from!

syntacto said...

Home, a collection of routines - very nice! very geeky :-P, kidding!

Chatter Box said...

@ Whimsical Queen: Well what to do work does not rub off that easily on me:-) And I am a terrible learner when it comes to "from history"

@ Syntacto: Welcome back and add to my routine at home soon!:-p