Friday, February 06, 2009


I seem to have lost a lot of things lately. My iPod and a pair of amazing expensive headphones just got added to that list. Its strange how throughout life I have lost keys a zillion times. But every single time the keys just returned and came back to me. I am a very optimistic person and believe I will get back what I lost. I wish the whole - "If you love somebody set it free, if it comes back it is yours, if it does not, it never was" holds true for my priced possessions too;-) Cos after all I did pay for them and they were truly mine!

On a parallel note I totally believe the Sri Ram Sena is the answer to all of us single folk! I mean come on, what the shaadi.coms and match makers of the world were not able to do, this man intends to in one day! The dude clearly suffers an "attention seeking disorder" and possibly just decided to become a national icon overnight. It amazes me how innovative people get in the Indian political landscape and how much we just jokingly laugh at our plight. After all we really have nothing else to do. But it just reflects a pathetic mindset and makes me wonder- "Where ever is freedom?" But all of you who had trouble with parents approving wedlock with a loved one, go ahead hold hands in public and hope that haldi-kumkum comes your way!

Just a short update. I gotta now go watch "lost"! Seasons 5 is airing finally.

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