Sometimes I sail on, sometimes I am crushed in a tide. I am definite and at times I surprise myself. I mostly seek the impossible and the obvious just comes my way.Small things matter while big things just dont. Contradictions define me while the patterns just don't repeat. I guess its been a day of observations. I observed the coconut tree and wondered why the leaves were slit, I watched a few faces and figured monotony still exists in chaos. Created random prose:
"Definite I am. Mysterious you are !
Boundaries I resist, but bound you are!
Makes it an interesting string of definite and unbound!
Of mystery and conviction !"
I believe messages in bottles are often intended but not implied. I guess blogs are similar. This is one of those where sporadic thoughts come by hoping they don't get stitched and comprehended.
:) loved it...
@Anon: Thanks for passing by and comprehending!
This is truly nice
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