Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A strange silence I want to break

There is a strange calm in being patient and silent amidst chaos and noise!

There is a silence I want to break! I glare into my computer waiting, typing with back spaces, looking, reading, re-reading, listening to the silence around me. Chat windows blink and I type in rhetoric, in boredom and then just ignore some. I am restless I know and yet so calm. People seem to function just fine, the day goes past like it always does, birds continue to fly, the moon plays peekaboo, all seems like it should be; and yet, there is something amiss! There is a strange silence I want to break!


Mystic said...

Guess you just needed the "me" time amid all the socializing and networking, dude...

Chatter Box said...

@Mystic: Yeah its been the most amazing re-union time of the year. But I am guessing we all need silences too:-) Waiting for you folks to come by now